Hey folks,
I learned a new word the other day, “de-construction.” What you’ll notice happening in our former parish hall is known as a deconstruction—the careful taking down of parts of the building slowly rather than in one big swoop like a wrecking ball that you might see on TV. For now:
- The asbestos is completely gone.
- The temporary accessible ramp is in place.
- The electricity has been moved over to the sanctuary.
- The water is shut off, to resume in two weeks.
- The taking down of walls has begun.
I have been absolutely thrilled by the way the parish has pivoted to a “one-room schoolhouse” model of ministry. I’ve heard a lot of good humor and Wisconsin “we can do this!” attitude, for which I’m grateful. Keep up the good work and keep the faith.
Also, join the whole parish for a meeting on May 21, at 11 a.m., directly following the 10 a.m. service. For those who participate in our worship online, we’ll keep the worship Zoom meeting open and the camera on. We will receive an update on the transition, the building, the capital campaign, as well as our plan to close our operating deficit.
In Christ,